The Casualties, Public Nuisance, Mustard Plug, The Special Eddz (local), Line Of Fire/GoDAwFuL (local), Tom and Bootboys, Duckbomb (muskegon, michigan), The Germs, Dead Kennedys, 88 fingers Louie, screeching weasels, the Queers, Liza she likes No Doubt, Dysfunctional Youth, Martin (U.K.), War Against Reason, some in the band like Anti-flag but Ryan hates them, old NoFX, Assorted Jellybeans, Some in the band like Rancid but once again Ryan hates then also, The Unseen, The Virus, Lower Class Brats, The Distillers, Four Finger Discount (local), Linkin Park because they showed us how to suck ass, The Spice Girls, old Pennywise, Tsunami Bomb, i am sure there are more but this list is long, longer than the history.